Hot pepper products deter squirrels from raiding seed and suet. Squirrels are repelled by capsaicin, the compound that makes peppers hot. Birds lack this pain receptor and are therefore unbothered by the compound. Hot pepper products to deter squirrels are available at All Seasons Wild Bird Stores. Why Hot Pepper Products Work Birds lack the pain receptors that mammals have…

One of the best ways that you can ensure successful bird feeding in your yard is to carefully consider the placement of your feeders. Baffles and seed choice are also important, but if feeders are easily accessible to critters, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle! Squirrels are amazing acrobats, leaping to feeders that are 4–5′ off the ground, up to…

Each year, 350 million or more wild birds perish from collisions with windows in America. You can do something to help!
Woodpeckers are attractive and outgoing members of our community of backyard birds. Occasionally, though, their pecking habits can create some conflict with humans. Never to worry—there are plenty of solutions you can implement to make sure that you and visiting woodpeckers can happily coexist.

Ants and bees can take the fun out of feeding hummingbirds and orioles. Luckily, there are some simple tricks and products that will help you deter pests and still provide meals for your favorite nectar-eating birds! Hang your hummingbird and oriole feeders from an ant moat filled with water. The ants can’t swim across the moat and are prevented…

When temperatures drop, trips out to fill bird feeders can be daunting! Here are three tips to make winter bird feeding easier. Watch our brief video for some great tips!
In our opinion, Squirrel Busters are the most effective squirrel-resistant feeders around. Along with their ability to foil squirrels, the Busters have a great design promoting air circulation to prevent seed spoilage and are easy to clean. They’re our best-selling feeders, so our customers must agree! Plus—The Squirrel Buster Weather Guard The UV-protected polycarbonate Weather Guard easily attaches to the…
Try Bye, Bye Starling If you’ve had problems with the European Starlings mobbing then emptying your feeders, we have a solution for you. Our Bye, Bye Starling seed mix has black oil sunflower, striped sunflower, golden safflower and white safflower all in the shell. Starlings have beaks that were designed to open softer-shelled seeds. Starlings prefer peanuts and seeds out of…
As the autumn migration ramps up, you may find that you have increased numbers of European Starlings passing through your backyard. Starlings’ greedy and aggressive behaviors can intimidate other feeder birds and drain your food sources. Here’s an easy tip for serving suet to your smaller clinging birds while discouraging starlings.
As with real estate, it’s “location, location, location” when feeding birds but defeating squirrels. A pole system feeding station set up 12 feet from over-hanging limbs or deck railings with a baffle on the pole 5 feet off the ground provides for squirrel free bird feeding. If your yard does not allow such a set up, there are other options to defeat the…