American Goldfinches are our latest songbirds to nest, timing their broods to the ripening of Canadian Thistle. Because of this, they have particular feeding needs in the late summer/early autumn. Also, goldfinches have a late-season molt that may make them unrecognizable to the uninitiated. Around all winter, goldfinches appreciate a heartier seed once temperatures drop. Video content adapted from an…

Seed cylinders, cakes and bells are a simple, affordable, long-lasting and less-mess solution for feeding birds.

From time to time, we like to check in with our staff at the different All Seasons Wild Bird Store locations to see what their favorite products are in their own backyards. This month, we bring you the favorite of Gail Conley, a Sales Associate at the White Bear Lake location. Gail’s choice is the Birds Choice Medium Fly-Thru Feeder.…

Peanuts are a favorite food for many backyard birds. High in fat, oil and protein, peanuts provide a great energy source for stoking birds’ high metabolisms. Our unsalted peanuts are grown in the USA and are sought after by Blue Jays, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, titmice and woodpeckers. In-Shell Peanuts Blue Jays, chickadees and nuthatches cache peanuts away in…

Seed cylinder, cakes and bells contain seed, fruit, nuts and/or insects held together by an edible gelatin.

Often our customers, seeing our open barrels of peanuts (In-Shell Peanuts and Peanut Pickouts), ask us which birds eat peanuts?

Many birds—not only orioles and bluebirds—enjoy mealworms and will benefit throughout the year from the protein, fat and fiber they provide.

Minnetonka Manager Carol Chenault shares how she readies her backyard for the change in seasons.

Suet isn’t just for winter anymore. In the spring and summer, it is a great way to provide brooding birds and their nestlings with a generous amount of calories in an easy-to-eat form. Suet with insects or fruit added appeal to a wide range of birds and may provide a source of insects when they are scarce. Birds that…

Prepare Your Yard for Spring Migrants To be sure, one of the joys of feeding birds is hosting migratory birds for a brief time each spring as they make their way to summer breeding grounds. With some preparation—and a little luck!—you may be able to entice one ofthese migrants to stay and raise their broods in your own backyard.…

When temperatures drop, trips out to fill bird feeders can be daunting! Here are three tips to make winter bird feeding easier. Watch our brief video for some great tips!

Our expert staff members have been feeding birds for years, yet we learned some new things in our backyards in 2018. Take what you want from our insights to apply to your bird feeding in the new year! By Minnetonka Manager CAROL CHENAULT I began using Songbird Delight in a large tray feeder. Less mess and the birds love…