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Hang a Feeder and They Will Come?

A Novice Bird Feeder’s Journey to Successfully Attracting Birds by All Seasons Wild Bird Store (in Eagan) employee, SANDRA TOCKO If you are reading this, you are either currently feeding birds or aspire to do so. Hopefully you are not in the same position I was four years ago—throwing money into the bird feeding industry, but not seeing any birds…

Summer Tips for Nectar Feeders

As summer temperatures heat up, your nectar feeders may need some additional care. Here are some tips! Clean nectar feeders about every 2-3 days during 90 degree summer heat waves. Even sooner, if the nectar looks cloudy. Hummingbirds are very sensitive to the quality of nectar and will reject feeders indefinitely if they determine your nectar is moldy or sour.…

Feed the Birds with Less Mess!

If you’re interested in keeping your lawn and garden free of sprouts and shell mess, there’s a birdseed for you. Kracker Jax is a mixture of sunflower hearts, peanut hearts, a touch of cracked corn and hulled millet. Because all the seed is hulled you will have no shells on the ground and absolutely no unwanted sprouts. Your backyard birds…

Help! Woodpeckers are Pecking on My House!

By Guest Contributor Melissa Block Woodpeckers love suet. They love peanuts. They may even love the side of your house. Peanuts and suet are great, but we’re guessing you’d prefer they leave your home alone. As with most animal behavior, it’s not random – they have their reasons. In the spring, it is usually a case of a woodpecker “drumming”…