ANN’S WINDOW TO NATURE By Eagan Store Manager ANN MCCARTHY The phrase, “the good ol’ days,” means something different to everyone, and depends largely on age. To me as a 60+ year-old woman, the good ol’ days were wistful, carefree days spent outside. I remember birds, butterflies, bees, and fireflies. I remember diggin’ in the dirt looking for worms, catching…
Want to attract more birds to your yard this winter? Supply a source of open water! When temperatures drop, birds are in a constant struggle to maintain their body temperatures. A steady source of fats and proteins will help to nourish and fuel birds’ metabolic needs and keep them warm. But also important—a source of water that is accessible (i.e.…
Birds will flock to open water! When temperatures drop, birds are in a constant struggle to maintain their body temperatures. A steady source of fats and proteins will help to nourish and fuel birds’ metabolic needs and keep them warm. But also important—a source of water that isn’t frozen and doesn’t require using body heat to melt it. The solution: install…
REPRINTED FROM OUR BIRD’S-EYE VIEW ARCHIVES: SEPT/OCT 2017 Minnetonka Manager Carol Chenault shares how she readies her backyard for the change in seasons Addressing Nectar Feeders As I bid the Baltimore Orioles farewell the first week of September, the transition to fall backyard bird feeding begins. Taking down the oriole feeders, washing them well with soap and water and disinfecting…
Not all birds eat from our backyard feeders but all birds need fresh water. Here are some tips for keeping your birdbaths healthy for your birds. Stone or ceramic birdbaths are best cleaned with a solution of 9 parts water and 1 part bleach. Lime deposits can be removed from plastic birdbaths with a mixture of half white vinegar…
Want to make your yard irresistible to birds? Try adding motion and sound to your birdbath! Motion on the water’s surface or the sound of falling water is like a magnet to birds because they instinctively equate moving water with natural water sources that are cleaner and healthier than stagnant water. The sound of moving water also lures birds that…