Your window to nature.

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New Year. New Start. New Paradigm.

ANN’S WINDOW TO NATURE The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land. –Aldo Leopold Thirty-five years ago, after a major health scare, my perspective shifted. I became more focused on big picture stuff. You know… why are we here? What can I do to make a difference?…

Ann's Window to Nature: A Sense of Place

A Sense of Place

ANN’S WINDOW TO NATURE What do we mean by the phrase “a sense of place?” To me, a sense of place suggests an emotional bond or a tangible connection to a place. We can see it. We can feel it. We know it well. We hold it dear. We feel safe. We feel nurtured. When I think about a place…

Ann's Window to Nature: Gifts from Nature; sundog photo by Ann McCarthy

Gifts from Nature

ANN’S WINDOW TO NATURE On a cold winter’s day, there’s nothing more beautiful than a cardinal perched on pine bough heavy with snow. It’s almost as if nature has given you a gift. Gifts from nature come regularly to those who feed the birds: woodpeckers on suet, jays on peanuts, and finches on Nyjer®. We delight in watching juncos peck…