Autumn is an active time for finches, especially for late-nesting American Goldfinches. Here are some tips for attracting and feeding finches this autumn. Expert tip: During nesting season (July and August) and throughout September, goldfinches are particularly drawn to Nyjer® and Nyjer® mixes as they feed young and teach them how to forage. Nyjer® and Nyjer® mixes are best served…
REPRINTED FROM OUR BIRD’S-EYE VIEW ARCHIVES: SEPT/OCT 2017 Minnetonka Manager Carol Chenault shares how she readies her backyard for the change in seasons Addressing Nectar Feeders As I bid the Baltimore Orioles farewell the first week of September, the transition to fall backyard bird feeding begins. Taking down the oriole feeders, washing them well with soap and water and disinfecting…