Feeding Birds: A Great Return on Investment


We have all heard the old sayings:

“You get what you pay for!”

“More bang for your buck!”

Downy Woodpecker on peanut feeder.
Photo by Ann McCarthy

We all make choices regarding how we prioritize our time and money. Some people travel. Some people golf. Some people collect handbags. For me, one of my priorities is attracting, feeding, and watching backyard birds. I consider my bird feeding hobby to be part of my “entertainment” budget. Each month, I pay for streaming services, cable, and rental fees. But none of those things bring me as much joy as my backyard birds.

My bird feeders allow me to sit quietly with my morning coffee and step away from the grind of daily chores and stress. Watching the birds come and go from my feeders’ changes with each day and with each season.

My bird feeding hobby provides me a great return on my investment. I have several feeders including seed feeders, and suet feeders. I also have oriole feeders, and hummingbird feeders. My feeders are easy to clean and maintain. They are strategically placed so I can readily see the birds as I cook or watch the evening news.

Red-bellied Woodpecker on suet log feeder
Photo by Ann McCarthy

I have also created a welcoming backyard habitat for my birds complete with a pollinator garden, bird bath, and several shrubs, which serve as cover or shelter, and I did not have to break the bank to do it.

Investing in your bird feeding hobby:

  1. Start with the basics: purchase a quality American-made seed feeder that accommodates the widest variety of birds like a Big Tube from Aspects.
  2. Fill it will clean, premium seed void of fillers like Joe’s Mix.
  3. Don’t feel compelled to set up “the perfect” birding station. Add on over time as your enjoyment grows. Keep it manageable so it does not become work.

Occasionally, I’ll have a customer come in and say “I was at ABC Big Box over the weekend and picked up a bag of seed. I haven’t had a bird give it a second look.” Remember, you get what you pay for!

Feeding the birds yields a great return on your investment—it lowers stress, increases time away from screens, and increases your physical activity. It just makes “cents!”


by Eagan Store Manager ANN MCCARTHY

Ann McCarthy