Nature-centered Summertime Fun for Kids


The “dog days of summer” are here and the kids are “BORED!” How about a fun, inexpensive, outdoor activity? Break up the day by getting them outside for bit of sunshine, and fresh air each day. They will benefit greatly from a change in scenery and time away from screens.


  • Set up a bird feeding station. Allow them to participate in filling the feeders. Encourage sitting quietly and watching the birds. Encourage journaling, drawing, photography.
  • Carve out a little spot for a garden—even a container garden. Allow them to plant seeds or plants. Maybe grow carrots, corn, or sunflowers.
  • Take a walk. Look for signs of insects. Look for tracks. Look for holes in trees.
  • Create a “tree bark art” piece. Lay a piece of paper against the bark of a tree. Rub the paper with a crayon.
  • Create a “tape bracelet.” Use masking tape or duct tape. Make a loop around the wrist with the sticky side facing out. Walk around and collect dandelions, leaves, whatever. Stick the items to the tape bracelet.
  • Build a bird blind that will allow you to quietly observe birds. Using a dull colored sheet or blanket, create a little tee pee or fort. Other materials may include sticks, vines, bamboo, etc. Place a small amount of birdseed near your bird blind. See how many different birds come to visit.
  • Sit outside. Listen to nature. What can you hear? Wind. Birds. Leaves rustling. Close your eyes. Feel the wind? Feel the sun?
  • Organize a scavenger hunt. Look for tracks. Look for feathers. Look for different colored flowers. Look for different shapes. Look for hard things and soft things.
  • Pretend to be a bird, use popsicle sticks to try and pick up your food.
  • Pretend you are a leader in a group of migrating geese: where would you land for the night? Why? Is it safe? Can you see predators who approach?
  • Pretend you are a hummingbird. Try to flap your wings as fast as you can as long as you can.
  • Hunt for tracks in the mud or snow. Hunt for tracks in wet sand. Try to identify the animal that made the tracks. Create a story of what occurred i.e. a Wild Turkey came into the area in search of ________(water, insects, acorns).
  • Play the “Who AM I” Game. Come up with a critter- could be a bird, bat, butterfly, deer, fish, turtle, lightening bug. Then as you are walking or driving the kids get to ask questions like:
    • Do you have fur?
    • Do you eat meat?
    • Do you live in the desert?
    • Do you swim?
  • Any journaling, or art project done outside could be a magical experience. Observe tiny little bugs. Observe clouds, flowers, trees. Look at puddles. Look at shorelines. Describe how a small patch of ground changes with the seasons. Do the trees change color? Do the trees lose their leaves? What do the animals do? Do they hibernate? Do they migrate? Do they seek shelter in dens, or in dead trees? What do they eat?
  • Create an imaginary bird. What does it look like? How big is it? What does it eat? Where does it live? Describe its feet. Describe its beak.
  • Create Haiku-like Poetry using one noun, two adjectives, three verbs, two adjectives and one noun.


Beautiful Colorful

Flying Singing Soaring

Light Small


Words and photos by Eagan Store Manager, ANN MCCARTHY