Bob Janssen Shares His Favorite Spots in the Twin Cities Birders to Look for Warblers
Note: this information is an addendum to the article about seasonal warblers in the May/June 2017 Bird’s-Eye View Newsletter.
Southern Twin Cities:
Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge
Fort Snelling State Park
Old Cedar Avenue Bridge over Meadow Lake
Minneapolis Area:
Roberts Bird Sanctuary at Lake Harriet
Note: They run weekly bird walks in May!
Theodore Wirth/Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary
Western Twin Cities Area:
Lake Elmo Park Reserve
Harriet Alexander (fka Larpenteur) Nature Center
Harriet Alexander Nature Center
Vadnais-Sucker Lake Regional Park

To Learn More about Identifying Warblers:
Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter hosts field trips every week in May, often led by volunteer Craig Mandel, who provides expert guidance. See http://mrvac.org/events for details.
The Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary hosts several guided walks in May. Visit: https://www.minneapolisparks.org/parks__destinations/gardens__bird_sanctuaries/eloise_butler_wildflower_garden_and_bird_sanctuary/
About Bob Janssen
Robert (Bob) Janssen is a noted Minnesota ornithologist and author of Birds of Minnesota State Parks (2015), Birds of Minnesota and Wisconsin (2003) and Birds of Minnesota (1987). For many years he was editor of the quarterly journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union and is a past president of that organization. Bob is a coordinator of the Minnesota Breeding Bird Survey for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and consults for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.